Bulk SMS
Send loads of texts with a single click
Let's Get Texting!
Complete the form below to send SMS messages with your Telnyx account.
- Send thousands of messages in seconds.
- Improve your reach with alphanumeric sender names.
- Message numbers from any country.
- Intuitive user interface and experience.
- Fast and accurate number validation.
Sign up for a Telnyx account here.
Telnyx Account Details
- Enter your Telnyx API key.
- Enter your Telnyx mobile number.
- Enter an alphanumeric name for the messages.*
- Enter your Telnyx messaging profile ID.*
*Options available by ticking the alphanumeric SMS checkbox.
Telnyx API Key:
Telnyx Mobile Number:
Alphanumeric Name:
Telnyx Messaging Profile:
Phone Numbers
- Enter a list of numbers you want to message.
- Separate numbers by:
- Commas
- New lines
- +
- Drag and drop a text file full of numbers into the phone number box to auto populate.
- Check the cost per message.
Write Message
Write a message to send to all of the numbers entered in the last section.
The character count and number of SMS messages will update as text is entered.*
*A standard SMS message is limited to 160 characters. If it goes over 160 characters it is broken up into parts of 153 characters.
SMS Message:
Character Count: 0
SMS Messages: 0
Verify and Send
Please check the details of your message and the number of people the message will be delivered to.
Press send to complete the process.
SMS Preview: